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The Manitoba Legislature wrapped up its spring session on June 3rd, with many pieces of legislation introduced and passed during this session. However, the bill that would enact the NDP’s provincial budget will not be voted on until October.

Our PC Team has raised serious concerns about the NDP’s decision to ram through major laws in their $24-billion budget bill without public input.

Manitoba is one of the only provinces that require public hearings on almost every bill, allowing Manitobans to have a say on important pieces of legislation. The only bills that don’t require public input are ones tied to the budget. Recently, PCs gave the NDP the chance to bring dozens of new laws and legislative changes in the NDP budget bill to public hearings, but every one of Wab Kinew’s NDP MLAs said no.

The NDP bill will ram through a budget that rakes in hundreds of millions in new taxes, doubles taxpayer-funded rebates for their party, forces workers to unionize, and hikes the gas tax and your Hydro bills. All behind closed doors, without allowing you a say.

Manitobans have the right to be heard on these important issues, but the NDP are choosing not to listen. That is undemocratic and wrong. I want to ensure you all that, as the Official Opposition, our PC Team is holding the NDP government accountable on their budget and on all of the promises made during their time in office.

During session, I had the pleasure of introducing Bill 217. This bill would establish Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week to take place annually during the week leading up to Father’s Day, and would commemorate and raise awareness for men’s mental health. Across the country, men account for nearly 75% of suicide deaths, and it is the second-leading cause of death for men under the age of 50. Having a week devoted to raising awareness and support for men’s mental health would help tremendously in breaking down the stigma associated with men’s mental health, and would allow people to feel like they can open up and have honest discussions about their mental health struggles. Unfortunately, the NDP chose to reject Bill 217. I am extremely disappointed that the NDP do not see the importance and urgency of this bill and how it would positively impact the lives of Manitobans. Their rejection of the Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week Act further reinforces the stigma that currently surrounds men’s mental health, and shows why it is so important for us to be having these discussions and raising awareness for this issue.

In other news, I am looking forward to summer officially beginning. In addition to the lovely weather, summer always brings about lots of fun community events, such as various festivals and parades. I’m excited to be out and about in the constituency, attending events, chatting with constituents, and soaking up all the sunshine and warm weather.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact my constituency office.

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