I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! After these last two very strange and difficult years, it was so nice to finally be somewhat back to normal. I hope that everyone had the opportunity to gather with loved ones, eat delicious food, and just spend some much-needed time surrounded by those you care about.
A couple of weeks ago, our provincial government gathered in the House and resumed legislative session. This session is focused on fixing Manitoba’s finances, improving services, and rebuilding our economy. I’m glad to be gathered with my colleagues again, as we focus on figuring out new ways to continue improving the lives of Manitobans.
I’d like to take a moment to highlight two recent announcements made by our government. The first is regarding $300,000 that will be going toward supporting 24 child-care facilities to implement Indigenous-focused cultural programming through the Indigenous Programming Grant. The funding will also provide support to staff to expand their knowledge of Indigenous cultures and traditions to better incorporate these lessons into programming. I am pleased to announce that the Taché Community Daycare will be receiving $15,000 through this grant program. This is just one step in our government’s ongoing work towards the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action, and we will continue to make historic investments towards reconciliation and education.
The second announcement I’d like to highlight is that our government is investing $26.9 million for a reconstruction project on a segment of Provincial Trunk Highway (PTH) 12. The project will reconstruct the section of PTH 12 between the Trans-Canada Highway and PTH 15, which has experienced rapid deterioration and rutting due to increased traffic volumes in recent years. The project includes pulverizing the existing surface, applying bituminous pavement and widening the shoulders to meet current standards. The project will also improve the intersection at Provincial Road 501, rehabilitate a railway crossing, and improve drainage in the area as required. This is just one way our government is continuing to make strategic infrastructure investments to build and maintain a safe, reliable highway network.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact my constituency office.